
Many Attractive Examples for Groundforge: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW LOCATION: !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Marian’s grounds


© M. Tempels


On this page some of my own designs and finds. Most grounds I found before I learned of Groundforge. Of course, some of them might also have been created by others.
For most grounds I only use names for the units with an addition to indicate the placing of the units in the ground. E.g. in plaits, in a diamond, traditional, … Some units are used in more than one example, with different placings, so naturally those names show up more than once.
The colour grey in the working diagrams indicates cross only.


fusion The traditional units separated with plaits. Ground 0116 uses the rose-ground unit; ground 0342 the snowflake-unit; ground 0278 the bias-unit. Please note: the plaits should stay plaits.

ground 0342 Ground 0342 is meant to be made with pins at the sides of the snowflake-unit, as shown in the picture. The ground came into being as a half stitch spider, but forgetting the twists at the corners. The unit resembles ground 3054 from U. Ulrich: Gründe mit System, which has no side pins, and does not cross at the corners.

Sunny stitch

sunny stitch This stitch I created because I wished to see a little loop at the sides of the rose ground. To obtain this, I used a very onorthodox stitch at the sides of the unit. Ground ground 0902-c connects the sunny’s with clothstiches; ground 0902-p connects the same unit with plaits as in “fusion”; ground 0902-d is the same unit, in a diamond.


Ants came to life as a variation of the Slavic ground. The result looks like ants, see ground 0665.
In ground 0692 the threads between the bottom and top position of two units will be crossed four times. Please note that there are no twists between the cross only and whole stitch at the pins.
The Star looks like a three paired join, but has crossings instead of twists. For the real star see page Miscellaneous.

ants-foto ants

Another fish

Another fish The following patterns I created one quarter turned, so you had to work “upwards” from one square to another. As Groundforge does not support going upwards, I changed this into the diagram given in the picture and in the examples.

Bias and Paris ground

bias and paris As the pattern above, this pattern also was created one quarter turned.


windmill windmill Inspired by origami.